Tuesday, August 10, 2010

What Is This?!

(First of all, it's an interrobang!)

Secondly, I got a Scribd account just because I wanted access to a document for work today. Five hours after I signed up, someone has started subscribing to me. I haven't even posted anything! I don't have any activity! Five hours and one subscriber. Who is Amelia_christe_8881 and how did she find me? Conversely, I've had this blog for over a year - neglected, yes, but still there - and I've made over 100 posts. And for every precious follower I have, I have expended tears and blood and part of my soul!

Okay, that's an overstatement, but how on earth did something like this happen? As I have no one else to look at right now, I'm looking at you, Universe.


  1. We appreciate all the tears and blood and Liz-soul!

  2. I'm now up to two Scribd followers, but I found out they both went to my high school. I'm friends with them on Facebook (which is how I got my Scribd account...). I'm feeling better about it today than I was yesterday.

    Facebook is taking over the world, though.
