Tuesday, August 17, 2010

"Mormon Moment" - Pt. 2

The title for "Mormon Moment" came from one of my very dearest friends who will remain anonymous for the purpose of this post. We had known each other for about a year and had many conversations about Mormonism, because the doctrines we teach and espouse have had a profound influence on who I am and who I want to be.

One day, she told me that she had been to the nearby (fantastic) coffee shop and was drinking a mocha when all of a sudden she stopped and thought to herself, "Oh crap! I can't be drinking this!" because she momentarily thought she was a Mormon. She described this as a "Mormon moment."

I'm Mormon, which means I get to have these moments all the time! Whoo!

Mormonism: 1 (n +1)
Caffeinated beverages: 0

Midori and Zil, that was for you. Yes, you know what I'm talking about.

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