Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Sitting Outside Heaven's Door

The title is some of the lines from "Breathing" by Life House. I feel that that is something to look forward to - to be content with getting as near we can to perfection, even if we cannot attain perfection ourselves.

I wanted to title this post "Death's Doorstep" because it seems like death has suddenly come very close to some of the people I love. Specifically, in the form of cancer. Both my aunt and one of my best friends have recently undergone serious treatments. My aunt is in her mid-50's; my friend is 20. Suddenly life seems so tender. Less provokingly so, I've had friends struggle with other health issues, body image issues, faith. Self-esteem and feeling adequate.

It's hard being so far away from them.

We're all born broken, I think, and it seems that we keep on breaking up into smaller and smaller pieces as life goes on, even though we try and patch ourselves up as best we can. Whether our problems are psychological, emotional, physical... we all have them.

I want to fix everyone so that they stop hurting.