Saturday, August 14, 2010

I Like Feet

Some people dislike feet. I kind of love them from a distance: their shape, their function. To me, feet seem so humble, and that humility gives them a quiet beauty.

My feet are getting uglier with each new pair of shoes I buy - they get marked up and scarred after all the chafing, and my soles are toughening up. Anyway, I found this, though, thanks to Toemail:

Which Toe Are You?

You Are the Fourth Toe

You tend to be a cooperative and social person. You like being around others.
You are pretty attached to your friends and family... but only in a healthy way.

Love and relationships are the cornerstone of your life. People come first for you.
You are independent when you need to be, but you prefer not to travel solo. You like having your support system.

According to where I am right now in my life, I feel that that is true.

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