Monday, August 2, 2010

Kitschy Pictures

Lately, some readers might have noticed that there are a lot of ethereal pictures of space with too much pastel in their palette. It looks like an amateur reincarnation of Thomas Kinkade got a hold of those pictures and started painting the creation of the universe.

That is what I would have thought, anyway, had I not taken those pictures myself from the Hubble website. I gave credit to the website, so the astute readers among you will note that this is an unnecessary post to calm my insecurities and vent my dislike for overly-kitschy paintings.

At least I don’t have any pictures of dolphins at sunset


  1. That kitschy picture reminded me of the old Lisa Frank folders/binders that were popular when I was younger. I found them nauseating.

  2. Oh, how I loved the Lisa Frank folders/binders! I especially loved the ones with leopards - and those always seemed to be the ones that were hardest to find, doncha know.
