Sunday, August 1, 2010

Awesome Pants

I have a confession to make. I have an obsession with awesome pants. I love interesting, flowing clothes, and this is nowhere near as evident in the case of comfortable pants. They cover so much (usually), and yet they give so much freedom. It's almost like not wearing pants at all!

Admittedly, most of these comfortable pants are "harem pants," but we don't have to call them that. We can just call them "awesome pants" as a signifier of all pants that are remotely interesting. I got a pair of really interesting pants Barcelona, a green-and-bown paisley pattern, and I found the exact same ones last week in Madrid. I think my new pair of pants are the pinnacle of wonderful, ridiculous, frivolous fashion. I probably won’t get another pair of pants that are quite as ridiculous as these – but you never know.

The pair of pants I bought.

The pair of pants I considered.

Teddy and I having fun with silk dresses and pants.

And these pictures are yet more reasons to get a new camera. Thankfully, my mother told me today that she could "send [me my] new camera," which means that a new camera has indeed already been chosen and purchased for me, so this situation will be rectified in a few weeks when my parents come to visit me between my time in Spain and Scotland! Thanks, Mom and Dad, for the early-ish birthday present!



    His live performance of this is amazing too, but best witnessed in person.
