Wednesday, August 25, 2010

And thus the Whirligig of Time...

It's happening again. I've come to an end of one thing, and now I am at the beginning of an entirely new adventure. I feel like I am fading from Spain; I have one foot out the door already. Life here is already beginning to feel like a passing fancy as I hurry and rush around trying to get everything set in order for my departure on Thursday. All of a sudden, time seems to be moving too quickly and and too slowly at the same time.

I wanted to say "too quickly and not enough," but that doesn't quite make sense. I must have a German homunculus in my head.

"And thus the whirligig of time brings in his revenges..."

I think the first photo is the only really good one. The others are passable - however, I do not want to taint this post with too much criticism. That can be saved for another day.

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