Monday, July 5, 2010

Postcards from Far Away

Apart from being the title of a lovely song by Coldplay, some of you should expect to get postcards in the mail! I finally purchased stamps a few days ago and put them in the “correo” last Friday. I hope that I purchased enough postage to get them to the United States from Spain… 

For others of the rest of you, postcards should be on their way soon. I finished another batch on Sunday, and now I have yet to find more stamps for them.

For all the rest, if you want a postcard, send me your addresses! Writing letters is one of my favorite things. Let me write to you! I'll do it, too. It might not be in the most timely of manners, but I will write.

1 comment:

  1. Do you have my address? Also, thanks to the title I now have "Another Postcard" by Canada's own Barenaked Ladies stuck in my head.
