Saturday, July 3, 2010

Exceptions to the Metro Train Law

All of what I posted yesterday still stands as true. However, there is one amendment to be made: everything changes on weekends. As I was sojourning on the metro earlier today, the train going in my direction always came before the other one, I always got a seat, and it always came within three minutes of my arrival (in many cases, less than one minute).

Okay, I omitted some information. I didn’t always get a seat, but there were extenuating circumstances. This weekend is Madrid’s Gay Pride Festival. I was in the center of the city, where the festival was to take place. I was going the same way as many, many other people.

(I did indeed stop off for a little bit and watch the gay parade go by. I was at Peurte de Alcala, one of the really big locations in Madrid. People were happy and dancing, and I saw enough men in drag to last until the next time I happen upon a gay pride festival.)

Now that I have stated this amendment to my Metro Train Law, the first thing Monday morning, my regular Metro Train Law will be challenged, and then there will be no rhyme or reason anymore to riding the Metro.

Not what the Madrid Metro looks like. More like the layout of Toledo with my silhouette superimposed on it.

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