Friday, July 2, 2010

The Metro Train Law of Lizzle

I have discovered a new law today: the Law of Lizzle. Whenever I take the metro, it is a law irrevocably decreed that I just miss the latest train. Had I been a few seconds earlier, I would’ve caught it. As such, I have to wait for at least another seven minutes until the next train comes. If it’s after 7 pm, I have to wait eleven minutes.

Regardless of the hour, the train will always be busier going in my direction. However, I am allowed a seat  once every three journeys.

No matter the circumstances, a train going in the other direction must always come before my train comes, and it must be less full than my train. I can be standing in my train, but the other train must come before the doors of mine come. Whenever possible, the universe will make it so that two trains arrive going the other direction before my train comes.

The result, every single time: exasperation and a very long commute.

Mmm, delicious.

1 comment:

  1. Ha ha ha! That reminds me of the trip home to Roosevelt Island when i was working on the Friday night Temple shifts! I finally just started walking East through Central Park to the East River at 1am every Friday because it took less time and proved less exasperating than taking the train downtown and trying to transfer.
