Tuesday, July 27, 2010

I Have Some Responsibility Now

So today Midori let me know that our mutual friend - and also follower! - Fatima gave a shout-out to me and my blog during a Relief Society lesson at Church on Sunday (a women's meeting during the normal church hours for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, of which I am a member). Although I don't think that touting my blog during a religious meeting is exactly the paragon of appropriateness, I am still grateful that she thought of me and wanted to share my adventures with the women I care about back home.

May the Lord bless my endeavours here in Spain, on this blog, and in the adventures yet to come. Now would be an opportune time, I think, to share part of my testimony: I believe in Jesus Christ, that He is, that He lives, that He is my Saviour, and that his servant Joseph Smith restored the Gospel and the priesthood keys in its fulness. Heavenly Father is very much in our lives, and He will speak directly to us, as well as through living prophets, seers, and revelators. My favourite parts of the Gospel are the promise that families can be together with our Heavenly Father, that I personally can be redeemed from all my sins, and that I can get better and overcome whatever challenges, defects, and failings I have in order to live once again with my Heavenly Father.

It's not much, but it has the most important stuff down, I believe. May this blog be a means to share the Gospel with the world, if even in a small way. Also, Jefferson, I hope you see this - your own blogs, 1 (Aim and Ignite) and A (The Latter-Day Saint Blog), have been an inspiration to me to be a better Latter-Day Saint.

1 comment:

  1. "Paragon", from the Greek verb "paragw" which can mean "to lead" but also "to seduce" or "mislead"! So perhaps it was an accurate assessment of Fatima's blog-sharing? ;)

    Also, a beautiful testimony. I love hearing my friends' personal spiritual confessions!
