Sunday, May 2, 2010

The Cuil-Off: Update (and Other Updates, Too)

Coyote sent me a this link a few days ago. Since I am lazy, I have waited until now to post it.

In other news, the days are still counting down until the end of the semester. I'm planning on leaving for home a week from Thursday; we'll see how that turns out.

For those of you who are grammatically astute, I just used a semicolon. The sentences I used could have been more connected to one another, but I like semicolons too much to go back and change it to a period. Thursday evening, I spent a good half an hour explaining the difference between colons and semicolons, and I came up with an amusing little mnemonic to remember the difference between the two.

When you see a semicolon, it winks at you. That wink lets you know more interesting stuff coming up. "I use semicolons; I'm an interesting person."

When you see a colon, think "colonoscopy." Colonoscopies are painful and unpleasant. Now you know that a lot of painful, boring stuff is coming up. Like the kind of stuff you find on your grocery list. "I have so much to do today: wash my cat, tweeze my nose, get a colonoscopy."

I think I have cultivated the voice of the writer of TheOatmeal. Oh my, TheOatmeal has also a guide on how to use the semicolon. I was merely looking for that article about cats, which I found amusing. Well, I am happy to join the ranks in eradicating blatantly poor grammar and incorrect usage (even though I know my prepositions are all over the place - interesting use of prepositions makes for an interesting interpretation of life, m'kay?).

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