Monday, May 23, 2011

Sharing is Caring II

Blogs are a wonderful place to share things, which is why I want to share this. It's a set of 21 questions for Ira Glass, host of "This American Life." I don't listen to "This American Life" because it is not on at a time when I listen to the radio, and the podcast costs money (not cool). But Mr. Glass seems like a pretty cool cat; he does indeed make life fascinatinger. I'm going to take a leaf from his book and say I want to make things more imaginativular. I'd like to make things fascinatinger, but more imaginativular is okay, too.

Happy life, everyone.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Wasn't That Fun? Let's Do It Again

The wheel of time has come full circle. It has been a year since I started my adventures in Spain then Scotland, and now, my adventures are starting up again! The "being stateside" prognostication for what would be happening to me in the vaguely looming future came true: this summer, adventures will be had in New York City. It's not being abroad, this is true, but it will still be a new experience, and one I'm very much looking forward to having in the comfort of my own country this time.

This summer is going to be a fantastic one for multiple reasons. Let me enumerate them below with a lovely list of bullet points.
  • I'm going to be staying with my sister!!! It will be the first time in a good ten years since we lived together. I've grown up in that time, so this will be an opportunity for us really to get to know each other as adults.
  • I have a really phenomenal internship opportunity, doing interesting work with interesting people. Because this is meant to be a personal blog, I will refer to the company only occasionally and as "Company X." But take my word for it, this is pretty amazing. I might revise the statement I just made and drop as many annoying hints as I can to what it is without actually revealing what I'm doing.
  • I'm looking forward to the contacts and community which I will make in the City. One of the things I have loved about being LDS (I'm LDS, also known as Mormon, by the way) is the instant community which is available no matter where I go. It has been incredibly important to me over the past year because my life has been a picture of change. Three new cities and two familiar ones in fifteen months means I have practically been a nomad. And in every new geographical place, I've found a social place at Church. Apart from Mormons, I'll have a community of people from my high school and College there, so lots will keep me occupied.
  • And lastly, and the majority of what I'll be writing about, is the activities I'll do while living in the City! From watching Shakespeare in the Park to going to the Lincoln Center for Shakespeare, seeing the odd Broadway Play (read: "Book of Mormon Musical"), going to Restaurant week, going to the Botanical Gardens, Coney Island, concerts in Central Park, the Metropolitan, cannellonis (yes, it should count under "food" and/or "restaurant week," but they're so good they deserve their own category. May be expanded to include "Italian food" because I want to make my second home in Little Italy), to perhaps a Mets game and even some Scottish dancing.
Now, I'm still at home in a transitional, incubatory state, prepping for my time in the City, avoiding prepping for next year and thesis, and recuperating from saying my goodbyes to College people. 

If you've just joined 'les aventures' here at spoony driftwood, welcome aboard! To all those who are returning, glad to have you back and also glad to know that I didn't scare you away with poor writing or random thoughts. Thanks for reading! If anyone has any suggestions for things to do in New York, don't hesitate to tell me, or tell me what to check out in the city so I may be your proxy.
