Thursday, April 29, 2010

The Spanish Expedition: Beginnings Still

It's really happening.

Yesterday my mother e-mailed me my plane ticket reservations for Spain. While she was at it, she also booked my flight home from my semester abroad in Scotland. Barring cataclysmic disasters and invasions of spoony bards, from May 29th until December 19th I won't be in the States.

Yesterday morning, I also woke up to find that someone (Lala, that was totally you) had pinned two magazine pages on the corkboard outside my door. They were ads for Madrid's tourism campaign, "Smile! You're in Madrid." It looks absolutely wonderful. Now all I have to do between then and now is finish my schoolwork - and every night I'll dream of being in Spain.

Also, in other news, The Doctor started a blog! I suppose I should call her "TropeGirl," but I like "The Doctor" better.

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