Sunday, April 15, 2012

no words I don't even

Gasp. Wow, it's been a difficult process to find myself here, writing this, now. I don't even know what to think, my mind feels numb. I've just been in a thesis-editing hole. Extraneous functions have been  pared down to a minimum - no Facebook, no Gunnerkrigg Court, no webcomics, no Attack of the Cute or even Cake Wreaks (okay, well, maybe Cake Wreaks). And that goes for many social interactions, too. And yet I find myself here, writing a blog post.

I think I've come to the realization that I almost did it - I almost got away from the internet for recreational use (Oh, OED Online, I could never get away from you. Or Pandora's "Baroque" station. Or Gotye and the Bee Gee's on Youtube.), and here I am feeling something vapid and whiny about how one chooses to spend one's time and how to find value.

All I wanted to do was tell someone that I found a way to work "witch which" into my thesis.