Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Almost Had... a Spanish Textbook

I almost had a Spanish textbook tonight. At college, we have an open e-mail chat list, and a lot of people use it to ask for favors, sell books, spread the word about an event. It's like a very poorly-run, time-lapse forum. Someone was selling a Spanish textbook, and I just happened to be in the market for a textbook, and I would have gotten the textbook except the purveyor of that fine good suddenly opened it up to auction because of all the interest in it. I'm a first-come, first-serve kind of girl, but I can understand the starving college student who wants to make a buck by selling to the highest bidder. The price went out of my range right right-quick. Even with first-come, first-serve, I wouldn't have gotten the textbook. So now I'm back to square one: needing a cheap, portable way to learn as much Spanish before May 29th.


  1. Where is this open email chat list?

  2. Hooray! Comments are enabled again!

    Also, I do have my old University of Chicago Spanish-English/English-Spanish Dictionary (i mainly use it to look up slang these days...). If you want it, i can bring it along on Wednesday.

  3. TropeGirl, it's the Mail Digest student chat-list thing. And Pangolin, do feel free to bring the dictionary!
