Thursday, May 6, 2010

God = Apple = Manzana

Yesterday, Coyote Midtori, myself, and some other friends of ours helped Klotho move out of her apartment. Today she is off on her way, moving across the country for the summer. Klotho is a graduate student who has just finished her Master’s in Religious Studies and will be moving this fall to St. Andrews, Scotland, to get her Ph.D. Oh my, did I just say Scotland? That is the country where I’ll be next fall! Klotho and I are planning to get together during that time because we’re only an hour or so apart by bus ride. If you’re interested in Klotho’s adventures in Scotland, you should read this.

I have a special shout out to The Doctor for making me feel special on her blog. Today’s post was in response to a really long comment I left on her latest post – it was the story of a time she jumped over a bush and did not estimate that there was no flat, grassy space on the other side of the bush. If you’re interested in reading The Doctor’s adventures, read this.

If you’re interested in thinking about some of the things I think about, you should watch this. It’s Carl Sagan explaining the fourth dimension by first seeing how a two-dimensional square piece of paper would react to a three-dimensional apple. If anything, the background music is quite lovely and soothing. This is just a musing, but perhaps God lives and works in the fourth dimension, and part of His omniscience comes from the fact that He is like the apple; He’s there, we just can’t see Him. Or he can see in the fourth dimension, and somehow that means seeing inside of us. I don’t know as if I actually believe in anything I just said, but I’m really interested in the ways in which the natural world and academic disciplines can all come together beneath God, how He is God because He knows all things, from the arrangements of our atoms to how our minds/souls are attached to our bodies to why we like music or paintings or poetry. For another reference to God and knowledge, see the earlier of the two posts on Friday, April 23, 2010.

I’m not trying to be blasphemous, but it is amusing to think that God = apple... and apple = manzana.

"Orion Nebula," Hubble Telescope Images

1 comment:

  1. Ah, Carl Sagan. Him + synthesizer = wisdom of the universe.

    Also, glad you liked the story!
