Tuesday, June 1, 2010


It has been a whirlwind of three days. It feels a lot longer. I would have posted sooner had I had an internet connection; with no connection, I was much less motivated to be on the computer writing. It’s amazing how less interesting a computer can be with no connection to the outside world.

So. I’m in Madrid. I’m in a southern suburb of the beautiful city, about a five minutes’ walk from the Madrid LDS temple. I think that I've adjusted to the time change remarkably well, considering that Madrid is eight hours ahead of my Home. All of Madrid I have seen so far seems rather stretched out – it’s not compact like Manhattan. Then again, I have yet to visit the really touristy places like Puerta del Sol or even see their financial district (if they have one). Hoo, I suppose I’m still in the comparison-phase of my transition. My old roomie, Fiona, told me that Madrid is hot and dirty, but it feels no hotter than my native Utah. The metro is cleaner than New York’s. However, I have only seen a small smattering of the city so far.

Work was good today. I arrived at about 10 a.m. Madrid time, and the boss was still setting up my computer. I was conscripted into helping set up my computer, which makes sense because it is a publishing company (http://www.justlanded.com), but I made a fool of myself because it took me a moment to figure out how to plug the monitor into the computer. Not one of my finer moments. I hope that, despite all of my silly questions and needing to be babied, I made a good impression. I left work at 6:45 p.m., so hopefully enough hours have been put in today.

For those of you who always take what I say the wrong way, (Coyote,) I really am having a great time. I can’t enumerate all the good things right now because it’s late and I still need to eat, but I’m sure that it’ll just keep getting better and better, as well.


  1. Yay! You've arrived! I'm glad that you're so close to an LDS temple; that's got to be really helpful for adjusting to a new environment.

  2. Yay! :D

    And few cities are as compact as Manhattan -- having water all around sort of forced people to build up and down.

    Furthermore, I did NOT take what you said the wrong way! You really did say "No, that would be weird!" And up until you made that comment I got a general impression of positivity from your blogpost. So mission accomplished!
