Sunday, June 13, 2010

Things I Could Be Doing

This post and accompanying picture is dedicated to TropeGirl, who likes to use M.S.Paint to illustrate stories on her blog. I was bored last Sunday during the siesta hours; I'm not given much of a siesta at work, and it's hard for me to take siestas on the weekends. Instead of sleeping, doing research for work, studying Spanish, o reading for pleasure, I drew this.

It's not that good, and I have few intentions of building my internet fame on the quality and humour (gif, British) my drawings, but it's really my way of letting TropeGirl know I care. Imitation is the best form of flattery, after all. It is unfortunate that that line won't get you out of a copyright lawsuit.

On this lovely Sunday afternoon, it's time for almuerza (lunch) and then maybe - just maybe - I can hop on the train and take a walk in El Retiro Park.


  1. <3 I love it! It's much more detailed than any of mine have been, so I don't see why you say it's not that good.

    P.S. The word is spelled "telenovela". :)

  2. I think my spelling gives it a French flair :) after all, whenever I can't think of the correct Spanish word, I say the French one.

  3. Just remember, Spanish is the superior language!
