Sunday, June 20, 2010

When in Spain...

Crazy. Random. Happenstance. Friday night, I went with my Spanish sister (that’s really what she has become) to our Church’s Family Night at the ward meetinghouse just around the block. The missionaries come to most every ward activity, and they were there on Friday. The missionaries had transfers last week, which is where missionaries are moved and shuffled around and often get new companions. We got a new guy, and I met him for the first time on Friday. He asked where I was from, and I said the US, and he asked what part. I said Utah, and he asked what part again. I told him the name of my suburb, and he asked what part again. I told him the name of my neighborhood, and he was obviously familiar with it, because he asked what street. When I told him my street name, it suddenly dawned on me who this missionary was. My family had purchased his house when we moved to Utah, and we are still living in that house today.

I don’t know about you, but I think that is a crazy random happenstance: meeting a person who used to live in your house while you are in Madrid, Spain. Ten thousand miles away from where you used to live.

Friday night I also had the chance to go out to a bar with some coworkers. They’re really nice and sweet, but they were going out at midnight to go to bars and clubs. Midnight. That’s an hour before my Spanish bedtime, and when you live far away from the center of town, it takes you 20 minutes on-way on the Metro to get to the better clubs and pubs in Madrid. Anyway, I didn’t end up going, and I think it was for the best.

Instead of going out, I was able to have a little bit more camaraderie with the family I’m living with, and I felt it was the right decision. I had already been to the Family Night held over at my Church (not the best idea to go to a bar after the uplifting thoughts and wholesome activities shared at family night). I had also walked around the town festival that my town is having for the next two weeks, where I had my first Spanish churro and porro. I’d had enough excitement for one evening, I thought.

Choosing not to go to the bar/club also meant I could go to sleep. Needless to say, the internet was an attractive distraction, and I didn’t go to bed for another hour.


  1. I've had similar experiences recently! People here are friends with Xarissa's friends, for instance, and it turns out Jewish kids I went to school with in the Bay Area are friends with/related to people I know from the Heights in NYC. The world is strangely small sometimes!

  2. I still think that mine takes the cake, though. C'mon, meeting a person who lived in your house?
