Monday, June 28, 2010


I’ve realized that updating my blog has become a weekly ritual. This will be no more, because I will post more frequently about my goings-on and happenings. Like this weekend. On Friday night, I went to a dance sponsored by the Young Single Adult group (adultos solteros) in my ward with my host-sister. I will call her Magdalena from here on out, although if you’ve been paying attention, you should already know her name. There were some really nice people, mostly Latin American guys, who were paying attention to me. I’ve never had attention like that – if you want a boyfriend, go abroad and go to an LDS ward. They’ll be nice to you. They might be a little weird, but they’ll be nice. Then you can come back home and the world will have subsided back into the regular American way you’re used to.

Saturday I went to Toledo! Whoo!

The end.

1 comment:

  1. Hey there, young lady! I like to think we're very nice to you here in the States. Also it sounds like the chances are simply as good there as they are here given what I've been told by the men in a certain Ward... ;)

    Also, whoo!
