Tuesday, July 13, 2010


Today one of my fellow interns quit. Her decision was unexpected, and it caused the rest of the interns to have to scramble to learn how to do her tasks and get them done today. Needless to say, it threw a wrench in my project planning, as well as everyone else's projects, but such is life.

I understand her reasons for leaving the company, but she will be missed, especially by me. She sat at the desk directly across from mine, and I had to go through the day without having anyone to look at, tell me about the crazy things she had to moderate, or ask me about an obscure English word I may or may not be able to explain. I have inherited her office plant, and it will be looked after.

With this new development, I certainly won't be bored at work anytime soon.

My co-worker and I are taking a Spanish language course together, and we had class this evening. So I got to see her, and afterwards we stopped at a little cafe alongside the Parque de El Retiro. It was good getting to chat with her and to see her in a setting outside of class and work. We chatted about work and experiences as the sun faded over the Spanish sky.

It was very nice.

1 comment:

  1. I think my favorite part of this post was the casual, "I inherited her office plant, and it will be looked after."

    Also, that all actually does sound very pleasant. I like this.
