Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Everyone is Secretly Jewish

I'm taking the night off to watch the Spain-Germany match (admittedly at home, resting - I'm sorry, I'm sorry), which is why it's useful to have back-up posts for these kinds of days when it's pretty slow or I'm feeling lazy.

Last semester, Boudica and I had a conversation about men and women’s body types. I think that a man should have broad shoulders and a tiny waist, not unlike this character here.

Because we are college students amused by simple shapes, I thought that men had the general shape of an upside-down triangle. Boudica made the comment that women’s bodies were larger down near their hips. Now, this is a bit of a difficult point. Admittedly, women’s bodies are shaped more like hourglasses than triangles, but an hourglass is a rather complex shape, and Boudica and I tried to stick to simple things – a circle was too simple, a square too complex.

Now imagine that you and I are standing behind a woman (triangle) and a man (upside-down triangle). Now, see the diagram below for what happens when we look at them standing together:

Yes, indeed. Some people might argue that men are larger on the bottom and women are larger on the top. If you think this is the case, we can simply adjust which triangle is which, and we get this:

No matter how you look at it, men and women make Stars of David. I think you know what illogical generalizations we can make from this discovery.

Everyone is secretly Jewish.

To make everyone feel welcome here, (yes, on a Mormon blog), I want to include something for those who identify other ways. I have in mind a vague idea of the Triforce... I'm not sure how it would work... but you're all hot little elves named Link, Nestor, and Avery? It's a weak attempt at including everyone, I know. Suggestions welcome.


  1. have you read di vinci code? It talks about this exact thing in there!

  2. Wait, what?! No way. No way! I even read the Da Vinci Code! Okay, skimmed it is a more accurate description. I remember no mention of men and women being secretly Jewish or triangles.

    Although I can see it being worked in to the occult religion the grandfather/grandmother practiced.

    Sigh. My attempt at originality is now shot.

  3. Most women agree with your preference. Which sucks for those of us who are either rectangles or upside-down triangles.

    But yay for universal Jewishness!
