Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Quotidian Life in Scotland

Although I haven't established much of a routine yet since classes have yet to start, I can still show you where I'm living! My living conditions are rather Spartan, but it's rather refreshing. I feel released from an oppressive amount of stuff.

And here are some gratuitous photos of the hike up Arthur's Seat I did a few days ago with another Butler buddy of mine.

On top of the world! Overlooking the Firth of Forth (say that five times fast).

My Butler buddy, Danielle, is in the blue jacket and the cap.

1 comment:

  1. I'm all about spartan living conditions! I have posters on my wall solely because previous room/flatmates found it creepy that my walls were bare. We all must make these concessions to humanity, I suppose.

    Granted I have an obsene amount of books, but other than that I like to live and travel light.
