Thursday, September 2, 2010

My Legs Are Ready to Kill Me

This post was written two days ago, althoug I'm only publishing it now. I'm sorry for the mixed-up timeline. When not hopping hotels every night and with a steady, private internet connection, things will settle down.

I actually did what I said I would do today: I went to Westminster Abbey, St. Paul's Cathedral, and the Tate Modern today. Add on top of that, we saw Parliament and Oliver, took three taxis rides, and walked over 15,000 steps today. I feel accomplished. I conquered the Earth today! Or part of it, anyway.

My favorite part of the day was Westminster Abbey - I loved the Lady's Chapel and standing in the presence of the remains of so many important people in Britain's history: Henry II, Henry IV, Elizabeth I, Mary I, Mary Queen of Scots, Milton, Spenser, Chaucer Gerard Manely Hopkins, Benjamin Disraeli, Newton, Darwin... Although some of those people aren't necessarily buried there, they have anything ranging fro ma small plaque to a gargantuan monument in their name.

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