Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Irn Bru - Scotland in a Soft Drink

Today's mini-topic is the sugary, shock-orange soda called "Irn Bru."

So apparently, as I found out in St Andrews on Saturday, the drink "Irn Bru" is not in fact pronounced "Rrrn Bruuu" in a deep, guttural Scots accent like they lead you to believe on the can, but "Iron Brew." If they wanted people to say "Iron Brew," why didn't they just call it that?

"Rrrrn Brruu" is so much more fun to say. Imagine running around the Highlands in a kilt and facepaint with some of your friends, holding of these babies in your hands, shouting "Rrrrn Brru!" No one would know what you were saying - they would think it's some sort of way cry. Never would they guess that all these charging, be-skirted Scotsmen were really just ecstatic about their soft drink.

Long live Irn Bru!!! Which, although sugary, isn't all that great, which, as some Scots might tell you, is typical of their wonderful and beautiful country. (The prime example is football, or soccer for you really American-type readers.) Orange Fanta still beats it by the Royal Mile.

Images found on scotclans.com and gulfbusiness.tradeholding.com, of all places.


  1. I will only accept Orange Fanta from countries where it is made with cane sugar.

    Also, I love that little clarifying note at the bottom of the IRN BRU ad.

  2. I love you so very much. And this blog is amazing.

  3. Aww, thanks Kristen! I love you too, cuz. Thank you so much for reading; it's comments that really keep me going!

  4. umm...excuse me?? Orange fanta better than irn bru??? is this a joke?? is orange fanta made in scotland from girders? NO. does orange fanta lure unborn babies from the womb? NO. does orange fanta cheer up goths? NO. also, the reason its called irn bru and not iron brew is because when irn bru was first made you couldnt call something a 'brew' unless it was an actual brew and you couldnt suggest that it contained something that it didn't ('iron'), so thats why... SCOTLAND!!

  5. Anonymous, you're quite amazing; cheering up goths was pretty good. However, I still stand by my statement that Orange Fanta is better. Irn Bru tastes too much like cough syrup/bubble gum.

    Last week, I had another Scottish soft drink (Tizer, I think it was), and it was a ton better than Irn Bru. I do concede that Scotland can make good soft drinks.

  6. horse balls!
    irn bru spits on yr tacky attention whore fanta. irn bru is a miracle and it's a heap more useful than orange fanta too. celebrate its goodness with a piss up, give yrself a hangover and see the miracle in action.
    big greasy bacon and egg butty and an irn bru and yr good to go all over again.
    cheers :)

  7. They got told off for having Iron Brew, as they don't brew it, so they took the piss and took out the vowels ;)

  8. Fanta was created specifically so Coca Cola could sell a soft drink to the Nazis during the Second World War and both Coke and the Nazis could feel okay about that. The red Coke label was "too American." Fanta was just fine-tastic, though. And Fanta Orange is orange-flavoured. Irn Bru isn't. It's only coloured that way.

  9. irn bru is way better than orange fanta!
