Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Leg Experiment: Shedding the Cocoon

In starting the leg experiment, I had no clear goals in mind. I was tired of shaving, and I did not feel that I had to conform to social mores. Four months later, I still have no solid goals in mind, but I have more reasons to continue not to shave. I have two this time: one biological and the other social. Without the supple foaming action of shaving cream, my legs haven’t been regularly moisturized, and I think the skin might be getting more blemishes – and perhaps a little tougher.

I also want to see how people react to a young woman who does not shave her legs - this is the social component. I haven’t talked much about my leg hair with my friends, and neither have I been exposing my leg hair. Much of the time I wear pants or long skirts, but this will change. I’m still more than a little self-conscious about the length and darkness of my leg hair. I’ve shown the growth many a time to Boudica and to Lala; Boudica reassures me every Sunday before I go to Church that she can’t see my leg hair. With summer quickly approaching, the cocoon needs to be shed, and my social world will know that I have leg hair!

A few weeks ago during spring break, Morwen, Tex, Tiger Lilly, and I went to the beach. I could not hide my leg hair there, and as we hung out on the sand and meandered along the boardwalk, I was a little self-conscious. I watched other people’s eyes to see if they darted to my ankles. Of all the people whose faces I peered into, only one or two flicked their eyes towards my lower half. Even then, I can’t be sure if they were looking at my leg hair. Morwen, Tex, and Tiger Lilly said not a word about my leg hair, but they know, I’m sure of it. It’s hard to miss.

I felt more comfortable uncovering my legs at the beach because, aside from my three friends, I was rubbing shoulders with people I was never going to see again. It’s a little different when I’m sitting in class twice a week next to the same people. They don’t care, but I think they care, and therein lies the crux of the matter.

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