Sunday, November 6, 2011

On Resurfacing (Again) only to Plunge Deeper

Humblegrumblemumble. It's November, the month of much-work-to-be-done. Much work to be done, not much discipline, it's going to be a month where I'll be doing a lot of work by myself. So when I go out to be "social," I'll just have to make the most of it.

This is what my life should be like. I'm alone and there's no reference to any surrounding world. So I wouldn't even realize it - it - so I feel like there's nothing to be missed. (A lie I whisper to myself at night to compensate for the fact I'm missing everything.) Solitude, T.A. Harrison.

1 comment:

  1. Not intending to burst the dramatic bubble here, but your solitude isn't as thick as you think..."back in my day" there were no blogs, Facebook, text messages, you know what it was like to be in college in November without these things? (it wasn't that bad...) Love, K
