Saturday, November 20, 2010

It's Almost Time II

Okay, so Thanksgiving is approaching, I've been away from home since the 30th of May. That's a half year, and it's starting to take its toll. I've even started writing a few stories about home, and re-imagining a distant past in Utah. I have a few compelling reasons to be at home, not the least of which are my immediate family and extended relatives (love you, Grandma!), as well as needing to see two of my very closest friends. One is very sick and having to go through a lot of surgery, and the other I haven't seen at all this calendar year because she had to study abroad in Wales last semester.

I think it'd be great to be a missionary and all, and it's something that I want to do and I'm looking forward to in about a year and a half from now, but that's a year and a half from now. And it's not that the friends I've made here aren't wonderful - they're like a mini home-from-home - but I want to see my family; they are the absolute version of home.


  1. I came across this blog again at random, and wow have there been changes! Apart from the obvious I just learned from your previous posts about you being in scotland! Congratulations. Your pictures are brilliant and can attract lots of envy!

  2. Those are largely sentiments I cannot understand or sympathize with, but they sound lovely. May you bask in the warm glow of family's warming glow come Christmastime! :)
