Last Monday, we went walking around the apartment because I hadn’t seen that part of town. I wanted exercise, too. Look below for some lövely pictures.
On Tuesday, we went to the Temple of Debod. I thought it was a cheap knockoff of the Temple of Dendur in the Metropolitan in New York City. However, this is not the case. It’s a real temple given to Spain by Egypt during the 19th Century as a thank-you for helping them save some other temples. The Temple of Debod was outside in a beautiful little park. I am entitled to say that the Met keeps better care of their ancient Egyptian temple than Madrid does, and no one needs to point out that Madrid is in an arid clime which is more similar to Egypt than New York’s climate is.
After the Temple of Debod, we walked to the end of the park and saw this.

Palacio Real! I still haven’t been inside yet. That is a project for some other day.
On our little excursion to the Temple and the Palace, one thing really stood out to me: joggers. Joggers were everywhere! Mostly men who looked to be 35 or 40, but there were young women, old men, teenagers. In the space of one minute, I saw about six joggers. That's even more than the numbers of joggers and cyclists on Wasatch Boulevard back Home in the morning.