Tuesday, October 2, 2012


For my friend R. who is wonderful and requested photos of my new haircut. Yes, I took them with  a camera phone. At least there are no duck lips.

Monday, October 1, 2012

A Friendly Reminder of One's Mortality

It was my birthday over the weekend. Though it is past, in honor of the day, I am directing you to "Birthday Poem" by Paisley Rekdal. It is fitting, because it is a poem, it was my birthday, and I had a poem published last week.

Last week was a good one--published on Tuesday, a job interview (local, temporary, nothing special) on Wednesday, with an offer. Hamlet, Stones in their Pockets, and Les Miserables on Thursday and Friday. Friends and potato latkes with applesauce on Saturday. A long, lazy Sunday.

A good week, indeed.